21 reflections for 2021

The Kontent - Scott Nguyen
4 min readJan 7, 2022

Happy New Year! but depending on who you ask, it’ll be happy or terrible. 2021 was difficult for most of us, and 2022 seems daunting already. With Covid-19 and its many variants to mandates to overall cynical thinking, it doesn’t seem like much has changed. You’re either living life or going through it with anxiety. I find that with some reflection, it makes it clearer to not only see the “good” but also the opportunities and lessons we’ve learned.

These were the most important things I’ve learned this year. With so much going on, It was important to remind me of how much growth had occurred despite tough times.

Here are 21 reflections/thoughts on 2021:

  1. I’m not as tough as I think I am. I had sciatica and the pain showed me that I can break down and not endure it silently. It was a time to rely on others.
  2. No one can tell you how to think. But you can learn from anyone.
  3. Tough times reveal character. It doesn’t matter how much time you’ve known that person. If you haven’t gone through hardship with that person, don’t be surprised by the attitude change.
  4. Learning how to write is very important. It starts with this blog, and I encourage everyone to write one. Just write for an audience of one-you.
  5. If it’s important you’ll do it. A lot of people tell me the pandemic has allowed them to spend more family time. True, but that just tells me that it wasn’t important before. It took world-changing events for you to spend more time with your family. Do it while they’re alive.
  6. Spend money where you spend most of your time. A good bed means a good night’s rest, which will sprinkle onto many other facets of your life. You can do the same for good internet and laptop.
  7. Show up and do a little more. It’s not enough to just show up. Sure you’ll get a little better, but it compounds more when you do a bit more along with showing up. Have a plan and execute it.
  8. Reading is one of the best ways to learn and be mentored. Use that knowledge and battle test it to see if it holds true.
  9. Start small and then make it a habit. This has become my formula for any positive habits or goals I want to achieve. The easier it is, the more I’ll do it. Eventually, it naturally is something I do for fun.
  10. Doing something that you don’t like just for others’ acknowledgment is one of the best ways to feel miserable.
  11. Automate everything you can so you can free up time to do things you love.
  12. Being a constant contrarian is walking a fine line between curiosity and being an asshole. Ease up and build relationships.
  13. Take ownership of things that go wrong in your life. Excuses lead to inaction and blaming.
  14. Reflect on your day/actions/thoughts. Is there a way to things better? Ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answer.
  15. There are only so many good people you’ll meet in life. Spend most of your time finding and fostering these relationships.
  16. Mainstream media and government very seldom take actions for your benefit.
  17. Everyone’s rules and advice in life work for them, you’ll have to find your own. As with everything, test it out to see if it holds true.
  18. Ask those dumb questions. You’ll look stupid for a moment instead of for life. Often, everyone is fine with looking stupid and won’t speak up.
  19. Communication is extremely difficult. There are too many variables and ways to misinterpret a message or an intent. I’m starting to believe it’s something you can get better at but never master (like an asymptote). But that doesn’t mean I won’t try.
  20. Doesn’t hurt to do a little bit more for someone. If you can personalize it for that person, always choose that route.
  21. Comfort breeds complacency. Have a system that challenges you. Not too difficult but not too easy.

Let me know what point stood out for you.

I’m looking forward to writing more and sharing more articles with you all. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Until next time,




The Kontent - Scott Nguyen

I write to get better at writing and to learn. IG: stayingkonnected Podcast: Staying Konnected